Vessels over 5,000 gross tonnages calling any EU port irrespective of their Flag State or where the ship operator is registered are subject to the EU MRV regulations. In general, ship operators need to gather annual data by monitoring each voyage (monitoring data on a per-voyage basis). Substantially ship operators must have an assessed monitoring plan in place before data collection begins.The type of data and parameters needed for the MRV are:
NOZZLE Ship Operation Module with its sections Voyage Itenary, Deck & Engine Log & Statement of Facts collects the required data for each vessel such as; fuel consumed, distance traveled, time at sea, and cargo carried on a per voyage basis.
With this data, the Energy Efficiency Index and CO2 Emissions are calculated to report emissions.
The smart control mechanism in NOZZLE validates the data entered, notifies, and alerts whenever any mismatched information is entered.
By using the NOZZLE Ship Operation module you enter the data once and get multiple results. The system prevents duplicate data entry.
Data is entered once to NOZZLE, and the NOZZLE Energy Efficiency Section is designed to transfer all the data to the THETIS MRV database with one click.
The annual Emission Report needs to be verified by an accredited verifier - within EMSA's THETIS-MRV database. The Ship operators needs to submit the verified Emission Report to the European Commission via THETIS-MRV.
The aim is to gather annual data into an emissions report ready for validation by an accredited MRV shipping verifier.
NOZZLE has the ability to separately identify the relevant data. Same as the UK MRV system, you will only enter the information once to NOZZLE, and the NOZZLE Energy Efficiency Section will transfer the data to EU's accredited verifier THETIS with one click. NOZZLE is following all the innovations, and the software will be updated accordingly.
For more details about the European Union Monitoring, Reporting and Verification EU MRV regulations you can visit their official website.