Tanker Management and Self-Assessment

About TMSA


The Tanker Management and Self-Assessment (TMSA) is a program developed by The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) to provide companies with a way to improve and measure their safety management systems against industry best practices. Operators can use the self-assessment results to develop a phased improvement plan to support the continuous improvement of their ship management system.

TMSA Stages & Elements


TMSA provides a standard framework for evaluating company SMS. It consists of 4 levels, and TMSA 3 lists 13 elements of management practices that are essential for effective ship management and operation. Companies can measure their SMS based on the KPIs in each element and determine whether they have reached a certain level in that element to provide a clear and objective performance map. Notably, the levels in TMSA help companies identify gaps in current performance and areas where performance can be improved.

Complying with the best practices of the ship operator industry allows the company to develop higher safety standards and eliminate pollution. The TMSA program is fully integrated within OCIMF’s Ship Inspection Report Programme (SIRE). TMSA is open to all technical operators of SIRE registered vessels. The integration utilizes the latest technology and security practices, improving user experience. The oil vessels can now rate themselves (their safety management systems, operations, and procedures) against the key performance indicators (KPIs) defined in TMSA3.

For the highest standards to be applied across the marine industry, TMSA 3 program and report has been issued after the TMSA1 and TMSA2.

TMSA was introduced by OCIMF in 2004 as a means to help vessel operators evaluate, measure, and improve their management systems. The language used in the expression has been changed so that the ship operators can understand it more clearly and to ease self-evaluation and ensure progress and improvement.TMSA 3 has been updated by gathering best practice experiences, preventing duplication, merging and rearranging some subjects, deleting inapplicable figures in performance indicators/KPIs, updating and adding improvements in many elements. The 13th most recently added element is maritime security.The first edition of TMSA was originally designed for tankers that were more than 500 GT because those ships were subject to the requirements of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, and therefore the ISM Code.

After four years of experience and extensive feedback from the oil industry, TMSA 2 was published in 2008. Irrespective of size, TMSA 2 was improved to broaden its application to all tank vessels. The third edition of TMSA (TMSA 3) was introduced on April 10, 2017. TMSA 3 updated and revised all of the twelve existing elements and introduced a thirteenth – Maritime Security. As of January 1, 2018, TMSA2 reports were closed for archiving and updating. It was possible to switch from TMSA 2 to TMSA 3 until December 31, 2017.

70% of the current ships using NOZZLE Ship Management Software are tanker ships. NOZZLE is based on tanker operations. The foundation of NOZZLE was laid with experienced captains and strong software engineers.

The 13 Elements that build up the TMSA 3 and that play a vital role in the Marine Operations are:

Element 1 Management, Leadership and Accountability.

Element 2 Recruitment and Management of Shore-based Personnel

Element 3 Recruitment and Management of Vessel Personnel

Element 4 Vessel Reliability and Maintenance

Element 5 Navigational Safety

Element 6 Cargo, Ballast, Tank / Hold Cleaning and Bunkering Operations

Element 7 Management of Change

Element 8 Incident Reporting, Investigation and Analysis

Element 9 Safety Management

Element 10 Environmental Management

Element 11 Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning

Element 12 Measurement, Analysis and Improvement

Element 13 Maritime Security

  • What Does the TMSA Program Include?

    The Tanker Management and Self-Assessment (TMSA) program is a framework developed by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) for assessing and improving tanker vessel safety and environmental performance. The TMSA program includes 12 key performance indicators (KPIs) related to management, environmental protection, navigation, cargo handling, and personnel management. The program also includes a self-assessment tool that allows tanker operators to evaluate their performance in each KPI area and develop action plans for improvement.

  • What are the Advantages of TMSA for Tanker Vessel Operators?

    The Tanker Management and Self-Assessment (TMSA) program offers several advantages for tanker vessel operators, including:

    1. Improved safety and environmental performance: TMSA provides a structured framework for assessing and improving safety and environmental performance, which can help reduce incidents and accidents.
    2. Increased efficiency: TMSA can help operators identify areas where they can improve their processes and procedures, leading to greater efficiency and cost savings.
    3. Enhanced reputation: TMSA certification can help demonstrate a commitment to safety and environmental stewardship, enhancing an operator's reputation and making them more attractive to customers and stakeholders.
    4. Improved communication: TMSA provides a common language and framework for discussing safety and environmental performance, which can enhance communication between different stakeholders and help ensure everyone is on the same page.
    5. Access to best practices: TMSA provides access to best practices and benchmarking data, which can help operators learn from others in the industry and identify areas where they can improve their performance.
  • What are the key elements of TMSA?

    The key elements of the Tanker Management and Self-Assessment (TMSA) program include:

    1. Management: This element covers company leadership, management systems, and risk assessment.
    2. Recruitment and Management of Personnel: This element covers crew management, training and development, and human resource management
    3. Shipboard Operations: This element covers navigation, cargo handling, and emergency response areas.
    4. Maintenance: This element covers planned maintenance, surveys and inspections, and condition monitoring.
    5. Environmental Protection: This element covers pollution prevention, ballast water management, and air emissions.
    6. Ship Security: This element covers areas such as security assessments, security plans, and security equipment.
    7. Incident Reporting and Investigation: This element covers incident reporting, investigation, and corrective action areas.
    8. Maritime Security: This element covers areas such as security assessments, security plans, and security equipment.
    9. Emergency Preparedness: This element covers emergency response plans, drills and exercises, and communication procedures.
    10. Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement: This element covers performance monitoring, audits and inspections, and continuous improvement.
  • How can NOZZLE Software assist my company with TMSA?

    NOZZLE software can help your company with TMSA in several ways:

    1. Enhanced Management: NOZZLE software provides a platform that enables companies to manage and streamline their tanker operations. It can help operators identify areas that need improvement, develop action plans and track their progress.
    2. Improved Efficiency: NOZZLE software can help operators optimize their vessel routes, cargo handling procedures, and maintenance schedules, which can improve efficiency and reduce costs.
    3. Better Risk Assessment: NOZZLE software provides tools that enable operators to conduct risk assessments, develop mitigation plans, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
    4. Enhanced Environmental Performance: NOZZLE software can help companies track and manage their environmental performance, including emissions and discharges, and ensure compliance with international and local regulations.
    5. Improved Communication: NOZZLE software provides a platform for real-time communication between the vessel and the shore, enabling operators to share information, collaborate on solutions and make decisions promptly.

    NOZZLE software can help companies meet the critical performance indicators of the TMSA program and improve their safety and environmental performance, and enhance their efficiency and reputation.

Certificates & Class Type Approvals

Privacy Verified & Quality Validated in NOZZLE

Class Type Approval
by DNV

DNV certifies NOZZLE with Type Approval, meeting the requirements for the Machinery PMS.

Class Type Approval

ClassNK certifies NOZZLE, fulfilling the mandatory requirement for vessels using PMS.

Information Security

ISO 27001 certifies NOZZLE's establishment of the Information Security Management System.

Personel Information

ISO 27701 certificate implements, and improves the Personal Data Management System.